Antelope County Land Auction 149.75 Acres, more or less Heirs of Eileen Albin- Sellers
Location of Land:
From Brunswick, NE(Hwy. 20/527 Ave. intersection): Take 527 Ave. 3 miles north, then 1 mile east to 528 Ave., and 1 ¼ miles north.
From Creighton Hospital: Take 530 Ave. 2 miles south to 870 Rd., then 2 miles west to 528 Ave., and 1 ¼ miles south.
Location of Auction: Brunswick Fire Hall - Brunswick, NE
Sale Time: 10:30 a.m.
Sold At Auction - June 3, 2013 - $4,900/acre
2012 Taxes:$2,512.58 ($16.78/acre)
Description:This is a level to gently rolling Antelope County farm consisting of approximately
102 acres of dry cropland and 37 acres of pasture. The property has significant
potential for further cropland development and irrigation development subject to
obtaining water rights through the Upper Elkhorn NRD. Buyer will assume crop
share lease & pasture lease for 2013 growing season. Numerous grain markets,
ethanol plants, and feedlots within the immediate area. Call for complete details!
(Click on image for a larger view)
Information herein was obtained from sources
deemed reliable, but Broker makes no guarantees as to its accuracy. Prospective
buyers are urged to inspect the property and rely on their own conclusions.