Antelope County Land Auction Acres, more or less Amanda J. Avidano Revocable Trust & Mason Allen Trust - Sellers
Location of Land:
From Brunswick, NE: 4 miles south on 527 Ave. to 859 Rd., then 2 miles east to 529 Ave.
From Plainview, NE: 5 miles west on Hwy. 20 to 531 Ave, then 5 miles south to 859 Rd, and 2 miles west to 529 Ave.
Location of Auction: Brunswick Fire Hall, Brunswick, NE
Sale Time: 1:30 P.M.
Sold at Auction November 7, 2013 - $8,200/acre
2012 Taxes: $7,559.04
Legal Description: SW 1/4 of Sec. 29, Twp. 27N, Rg. 5W, Antelope County, NE
Description: This is a high quality irrigated farm that will be offered in two tracts.
Tract #1 will consist of approximately 157 acres, more or less, irrigated ground with a 900 gpm irrigation well,
a well maintained older Reinke 8 tower centerpivot, and a 2005 Izuzu diesel power unit. The farm boasts productive
silt loam soils and is level to gently rolling. This is an excellent investor quality farm.
Tract #2 consists of approximately 3 acres (to be surveyed) with an nice set of farm buildings.
The huge two story home has approximately 2,176 sq. ft. and has been extensively remodeled in previous
years. The building site also offers a large 60x104 machine shed, a 24x48 open front shed, a 20x60 open front shed,
and numerous smaller storage buildings. The property also has established shelterbelts and shade trees.
This is an opportunity to own an excellent Antelope County farm.
November 7, 2013
(Click on image for a larger view)
Click here to view a PDF version of the Amanda J. Avidano Revocable Trust and the Mason Allen Trust Land Auction Sale Bill
Information herein was obtained from sources
deemed reliable, but Broker makes no guarantees as to its accuracy. Prospective
buyers are urged to inspect the property and rely on their own conclusions.