Eva Nickels Land Auction 80 Acres, more or less - Cropland
Knox County
Sold at Auction November 14, 2013 - $5,000/acre
Location of Land: From Bloomfield, NE: Take Hwy. 84 west 5.5 miles to 538 Avenue (picnic table corner), then 4
miles north to 885 Rd., then 1/2 mile west.
Location of Auction: Bloomfield Community Center - Bloomfield, Nebraska
Legal Description: N½ of NW¼ of Sec. 22, Twp. 31N, Rg. 4W, Knox County, Nebraska
Sale Time: 1:30 p.m.
2012 Tax: $1,750.12 ($21.88/acre)
Description: 80 acre dryland farm with approximately 61 acres cropland and 15 acres of grassland. Most of the grassland
could be converted to cropland. The farm has good road access and productive soils. This will be an excellent
opportunity to purchase a high quality Knox County farm.Call for further details!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
(Click on image for a larger view)
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buyers are urged to inspect the property and rely on their own conclusions.