Land & Management Co.
311 Main
Verdigre, NE 68783
James R. Walz & Crystal Walz Land Auction 160 Acres + / - Holt County Irrigated Land
Location of Land: From South End of Page, NE: Take 867 Rd. 4 miles east to 508 Ave., then
2 miles south to 865 Rd., and 1.5 miles east to the southwest corner of the property.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Location of Auction:Rex Theater - Orchard, NE
Sale Time: 1:30 p.m.
Legal Description: The Southeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 28 North, Range 9 West, of the 6th P.M., Holt County, NE.
2006 Real Estate Tax: $2,832.68
Improvements: 7 Tower Zimmatic Centerpivot (Approx. 5 years old)- Power unit belongs to tenant -
Submersible stock well in southeast corner.
Additional Comments: The irrigation well is registered at 975 gal/min
Buyer will receive possession at closing, subject to an existing cash lease for the 2008 and 2009 growing season. Buyer will assume said lease and will receive cash rent for 2008 and 2009 in the amount of 6% of the final selling price. Call for further details!
The topography of the property consists of rolling hills
Soil maps and additional well registration information are available upon request
A complete Farm Data Report can be obtained by contacting Homestead Land and Management Co., Inc. at (402)668-7400 or by e-mailing your physical address to Homestead Land & Management Co., Inc.
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Mandy Rohrer